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Debt Purchase

Every debt is different.

Debt Purchasers

Even the most efficient businesses have debtors who do not pay.

When managing those unpaid receivables becomes unprofitable or unduly time-consuming, debt purchase is an option. Roberts Law will advise on the suitability of debt purchase and whether it is an appropriate strategy in your individual case.

The debt purchase process

If you decide that the time and financial cost of recovering your debt is prohibitive, then the debt purchase process can be relatively simple; we assume the risk of collecting the outstanding debt, whilst you receive a portion of the debt owed immediately.

Benefits of debt purchase

Managing unpaid debts take up capital and resources in your business. Selling your debt immediately releases funds and reduces your bad debt exposure.

Things to consider

Bad debts represent a financial risk and a burden on your time. As unpaid debts age, the time taken to manage them, and the costs involved, only increases. Removing debts which are unlikely to ever be repaid from your ledger is an alternative strategy to writing them off.

However, you need to be sure that debt purchase is the right solution in the circumstances, as you will be giving up your right to receive the full amount of your debt. Our expert analysis will ensure that you receive the best solution.

Contact Us

If you would like any more information on debt purchase, or about debt recovery solutions more generally, contact Robert Barnard today.
